Here's how you're trying to protect your clients' safety and security from scammers and fraudsters in today's world
Oct 31
You've outgrown these scripts, objection handlers and other advice from mentors, coaches and brokers over the years
Oct 25
Please take a moment to add your voice to the real estate industry's most ambitious new monthly survey, the Inman Triple-I
Oct 24
With chaos in the market (and in the industry) right now, here's what you think will happen next as the year draws to a close
Oct 17
The long-awaited Sitzer|Burnett commission trial is underway in Kansas City, Missouri, and Inman is covering it all live as it unfolds. Check back early and often for news, views, schedules and more
Oct 16
After asking about the best advice you ever received from a mentor, we asked about the worst advice, and you did not hold back
Oct 10
We asked you to tell us about the best piece of advice you've ever gotten to handle the challenges of real estate life. Here are your tips
Oct 4
The current market makes it tough to know how to create and communicate effective messaging, so we asked about your plans for fall
Sep 27