You've heard of the Pareto Principle. Take it to the next level with the Law of Three, writes luxury consultant Chris Pollinger, a strategy designed to make your leadership more impactful
Nov 30
Stay rooted in proven practices, and be ready to adapt to the inevitable change ahead, says luxury consultant Chris Pollinger. Here's how to put a modern twist on traditional strategies
Nov 9
While your professional journey is a personal one, luxury consultant Chris Pollinger says joining with like-minded individuals and building a team that's right for you can make all the difference
Oct 27
Fostering a feedback culture sets the stage for greater collaboration and performance improvement across your organization, Chris Pollinger writes
Oct 12
From mediocre manager to legendary leader, these strategies from luxury real estate consultant Chris Pollinger will help you take your real estate business to the next level
Oct 11
Luxury adviser Chris Pollinger offers insight into casting a vision and inspiring luxury agents to reach their highest level of performance
Sep 14
Consultant Chris Pollinger finds out how LA's Elite Home Staging creates luxe interiors that not only get sold, but sell for top dollar
Jun 29
Staging leaves a lasting impression on potential buyers. Chris Pollinger sat down with Nicole Senia and Samantha Senia of Elite Home Staging to uncover the latest trends in luxury design
Jun 22